Patricia Sauer - Authentic Programming

Dev Log

May 2024

The logo of Monsty: Simon Says
May 26, 2024

Today, I have been doing multiple things:

  • Adding multiple sounds where each of them is played when a monster is active (in the played sequence or when a user clicks on a monster)
  • Adding a countdown before the game starts
  • Adding a dummy splash screen since I currently don't have an app icon but the functionality is there now
  • Upgrading to React Native Version 0.74.1 (upgrading is always so much fun πŸ˜…)

The logo of Monsty: Simon Says
May 21, 2024

Today, I added a button to start a new game after the game is over.

Additionally, I changed the calulcation of whether someone reached a new record. The previous implementation was irritating even to myself. Beforehand, I counted a level as new record when the level was done, i.e. you reached level 3 and entered the correct sequence. Now, I consider a level as a new record when it was reached even if the user enters the wrong sequence.

Regarding new records, I added an animation when a new record was reached to make it more noticeable to the user.

The logo of Monsty: Simon Says
May 13, 2024

Today, I implemented displaying a cross when the entered user sequence differs from the generated one and playing a sound. Looking for a nice sound took some time. And my Android emulator didn't want to play sounds. When I started it from Android Studio it did but after that it didn't work anymore. I remember having this issue beforehand but I don't remember what the solution was. Next time I solve this issue I need to write it down.

The logo of Monsty: Spot the Difference
May 12, 2024

Today, I tried to generate images for my spot the difference app. The first image was awesome whereas the following were completely different and didn't look as good as the first one. In the evening, I was able to generate some other good looking images. There is still a lot to do for me here.

The logo of Monsty: Simon Says
May 09, 2024

Today, I finished working on the screen for the in-app purchases and the result looks somewhat okay, I would say.

Additionally, I noticed that I did not set up react-native-vector-icons for Android properly and fixed that such that the icons are displayed now on Android as well.

A thinking bubble
May 08, 2024

Today, I was reflecting a bit about the progress I made this year. My plan was to release 4 apps this year. As of now, none is released. This dragged me down a bit because 4 months are already over and I have no visible progress. But then I thought a bit more:

  • I started a "spot the difference" app this year. The functionality needed is already implemented. I just postponed this project because I would need to invest $15 per image pair which is a bit much at the moment. I wrote about that on 7th of April.
  • Then, I started working on a sudoku app featuring my Monster Friends but postponed this as well since it was just an app I could make but not a project I really wanted to make. And let's be honest, implementing the algorithm to generate the sudoku grids killed me (as well as adapting existing ones to my app's needs).
  • After that, I started with a "Monsty: Simon Says" app which I am currently working on, hoping to finish it in the first half of this year. Most of it is implemented already but some parts like indicating that the entered sequence was wrong and adding in-app puchases are missing.

Taking this into account, my first 4 months don't look that bad. I made some progress, had some learnings and am on my way of releasing my next app πŸ™‚

The logo of Monsty: Simon Says
May 07, 2024

Today, I started working on the screen for the in-app purchases. I explained what the additional modes contain and tried to arrange the content properly.

The logo of Monsty: Simon Says
May 01, 2024

Today, I have been working on the localization of the app, mainly. Luckily, I wrote down the exact steps when doing the localization for Math Experts and therefore, doing it again was a breeze πŸ™‚

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