Patricia Sauer - Authentic Programming

Pulling from a different branch | The Git Pull Command

Pull here with arrow pointing downwards sign

When working with Git, there will come the point where you want to pull the content of another branch into your branch, e.g. pulling the remote master into your local feature branch.

Pulling into the branch you are currently on

To pull a remote branch into the branch you are currently on, you can simply use the following syntax:

git pull origin branch_name

If you wanted to pull the remote master into your current branch, you would execute the following command:

git pull origin master

Pulling into another branch than the one you are currently on

If you wanted to pull a remote branch into another branch than the one you are currently working on, you could simply use the following syntax:

git pull origin source_branch:target_branch

To pull the remote master into your local development branch, you could execute the following command:

git pull origin master:development


For full reference see Git pull documentation.

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